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Newsletter 21st June 2024

Newsletter 21st June 2024
June 21, 2024 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

I believe we have all been enjoying the warmer weather. Certainly the swimming pool is up to a lovely 29 degrees and all pupils have been making the most of the wonderful school facility.



Several of this week’s assemblies have again focused on learning songs for our summer play.

During the PSHE assembly on Tuesday ​we revisited one of our British Values inspired stories about a girl who discovered her new next door neighbours made good family friends despite having a different religion to hers. This led on to a discussion about the nine protected characteristics that were protected by law in 2010.Oak class were set a challenge of remembering all nine, Chestnut six and the younger ones to remember what they could!

It is always hard to explain discrimination to children who have been brought up not to discriminate – it makes no sense to them, which is a credit to their parents and carers. I am glad to have it as a problem! (Mrs Clasby)

School Council

The School Council would like to give you all some advance information about an upcoming event – their first fundraising event for World Vision, their chosen charity. The children are planning a Happy Hair Day, where pupils can wear their hair in a wacky way or how they choose for a £1 donation. Well done to the council for choosing such a fun first activity. Date to follow!

Lego Club

The children were challenged to make monkeys in Lego Club this week, our winners on Monday were Brett and Hugo with their monkey in pyjamas. Other Lego winners were Max, with a special commendation for Archie’s  grey and black gorilla.

M&M production

​The children were treated to a wonderful performance of Oliver Twist on Wednesday afternoon. The four person cast from M and M Productions gave a truly brilliant performance, with all the children engaged and enthralled by the story. We met Craig the Parrot who taught the children the secret password to enter into Fagan’s den, which had a wonderful set design with a  stained-glass window overlooking London. The children were wonderful audience participants and really loved every minute of it. (Miss Buxton)

Parent Help – Garden

We are looking at creating two garden areas – a Japanese and Mediterranean garden, following a theme of gardens from around the world. We are particularly interested in obtaining the following items:

  • Paving slabs
  • Shingle
  • Suppressant layer
  • Top soil
  • Pebbles
  • A Japanese bridge
  • Plants and pots including:

If anyone can help I would love to hear from you.

I am also keen to create a working party who would be able to help create the gardens.  A working party with the right equipment and materials to the ready, would be likely to achieve much of the work in one day.

Sweets and cakes

Many thanks to those who supported our Year 6 pupils, who are raising money for their leavers experience at the end of the term, with the purchase of sweats and cakes at the end of the week. A reminder that the enterprising team will be selling small bags of sweets on a Friday at collection time i.e. 3.20pm, as well as selling cakes and/or biscuits on a Friday before, and after, our Praise and Celebrate assembly. Prices range from 50p – £1.


There are no special events occurring next week.


Parent Help – Garden

We are looking at creating two garden areas – a Japanese and Mediterranean garden, following a theme of gardens from around the world. We are particularly interested in obtaining the following items:

  • Paving slabs
  • Shingle
  • Suppressant layer
  • Top soil
  • Pebbles
  • A Japanese bridge
  • Plants and pots including:

If anyone can help I would love to hear from you.

I am also keen to create a working party who would be able to help create the gardens.  A working party with the right equipment and materials to the ready, would be likely to achieve much of the work in one day.

School Clubs

Breakfast and After School Club can be booked online at:  (Select Stower Provost Community School in the specific venue box and scroll down to Wraparound Care.


Club Day Time For year groups Run by Cost
Lego Monday 15.20 – 16.30 Year 1/2/3/4/5 Miss Buxton £3.99 + VAT per session
KS1 Multi-Sports

(summer sports)

Tuesday 15.30 – 16.30 Years 1 & 2 Prime Sports FREE
Gardening Tuesday (starting on 18th June) 15.20 – 16.30 4 spaces (sign up by emailing Mrs Pike) Mrs Berwick £6 for 4 sessions i.e. until half term
Lego Wednesday 15.20 – 16.30 Year 1/2/3/4/5 Miss Buxton £3.99 + VAT per session
Eco Club Friday 12.30 – 13.00 All Mrs B FREE
KS2 Multi-Sports

(summer sports)

Friday 15.30 – 16.30 Years 3/4/5/6 Prime Sports FREE

Signing up for Clubs

Please note that gardening club does not start until 18th June.

Sports Clubs are free for children to attend and subsidised out of the school’s PEPPSA (sports funding).

Please book any Prime Sports Clubs on:

KS1 –

KS2 –

Lego Club bookings for the next half of term are now open. Do please book your place at:

PTFA – News

There will be a summer BBQ meeting on Wednesday 3rd July at 3.30pm. Anyone keen to be involved do please just turn up or contact Phillippa Halberstadt and/or Sam Wattridge.

A reminder to keep Friday 12th July 15.30 – 17.30 free for our School Summer BBQ. , so please ensure you have added this date to your diaries. Activities include bouncy castles, stalls and a BBQ.


Library sticker and scanning hour

If you are able to come and help sticker books and scan these onto our library system on Wednesday 3rd July between 3.30 – 4.30pm, your help would be more than welcome! Past pupils are also most welcome to come along, see how the school has changed and lend a helping hand!

Kington Magna Garden Produce Show

Please see the attached flyer linked to the Kington Magna Garden Produce Show which will be held on Saturday 20th July in the village of Kington Magna.  The show is running in support of the larger event Magnafest, which is all in aid of the beautiful church in Kington Magna, to raise funds to fix the west window.

Show organisers are really keen to include all the age groups in the Garden Show – and this year have created some special children’s classes that are hoped to be of interest!  At just 50p an entry it’s a great way to get interested in gardening, and perhaps even win a prize!

Please see the attached entry form and further information on the event.

Summer Library Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge is a FREE holiday activity for children. It’s all about reading for fun, aiming to improve children’s reading skills and confidence. This year’s Challenge is all about creativity. From dance to drawing, junk modelling to music, there’s something for everyone! Children will be able to find new reads linked to their favourite creative arts, and access free activities at the library. Please see the attached flyer for further information.

Class news


This week

This week we have been finessing and applying our skills in two curriculum areas. Firstly, long division and multiplication have been discrete foci in maths, with many children managing to apply their new found prowess. We have been revising our grammar knowledge in odd moments to prepare for our tests next week. We also completed our PIRA reading tests which the children completed well. We looked briefly at the Greek classical era in history and marvelled at how much they achieved in less than 200 years… and the legacy they left. Next week, we are excited to complete our impressionist portraits with Mrs Toy and work on those strokes in swimming.  (Mrs Clasby)


This week

In art we have explored boarders on Roman mosaics and had a go at making detailed drawings.

In Maths the children have been reviewing how to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks and methods. This will continue to be our focus for next week.

In English we have finished writing independent entries in our historical diaries. We have also looked at the cause and effect of Britain being invaded by the Romans. (Mrs Sanda)


This week

Beech class have been working hard on their spellings this week and on their fluency in Maths. Practice makes perfect! They have also begun a new Maths topic on Position and Direction. Everyone has enjoyed working out their left from their right and which way is forwards and which is backwards, depending on where the character is facing. It can get quite complicated! In our RE lessons we finished making our 3D mosque out of recycled materials. We worked collaboratively and did a fantastic job. Its on display in the hall – we hope you like it! (Mrs Rowley)


This week

This week Hazel Class have been practicing our swimming skills and enjoying the sunny weather whilst swimming. We visited the Victorian part of the school and talked about the features we could see and how the room has changed over time. We then looked at first hand reports of life in Victorian times and how information can be misleading and inaccurate. The FS2 children have been working very hard this week putting their comprehension skills to the test in the Busy Bee challenges. The Year 1 children have completed their Phonics Screening Check this week; they worked very hard and I am very proud of them. (Miss Buxton)

Diary dates  (dates in red have been added this week)

Date to be confirmed for the School Council’s fundraising event for World Vision –  Happy Hair Day £1 donation


Every Friday 15.20 Year 6 sweets and cake sales
3rd July 15.30 PTFA Summer BBQ meeting
3rd July 15.30 Library sticker and scanning hour
4th July 10.00 -12.00 Y2 Gillingham Schools Mini Olympics at St Gregory’s school
5th July Tbc School play dress rehearsal
8th July Tbc Jungle Book visiting performance
9th July 14.00 School play performance
10th July 9.00 – 12.00 Year 4/5 Gillingham Schools Swimming Gala at Riversmeet
10th July 16.00 School play performance
12th July 15.30 – 17.30 Summer BBQ
16th July 9.00 – 11.30 Year 6 girls PE transition project at Gillingham School (invitation only)
19th July 14.30 Leavers Assembly
19th July 15.20 Last day of school before the summer holiday
22nd July 2024   INSET DAY
23rd July 2024   INSET DAY

Best wishes,

Mrs B