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Newsletter 23rd June 2023

Newsletter 23rd June 2023
June 23, 2023 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been another busy week at school with a variety of activities going on, from jumble sales to cricket, and pyjamarama day to swimming. Read on to find out more.

Jumble Sale

Thank you to those who helped organise, sort and ‘man’ the jumble sale last Saturday. Although not as busy as had been hoped the sale still raised around £200.  Further information regarding how PTFA funds are being spent will be shared in the very near future.

Pyjamarama Day – 22nd June

Children enjoyed donning their pjs to school yesterday, as part of the Book Trust initiative to raise awareness and the enjoyment of reading.

During the day, favourite stories and books were shared, and the children produced their own collaboratively written story – shared below.  Each class wrote a section with Hazel class setting the scene, Beech class writing the character descriptions, while pupils in Chestnut created the story problem and Oak class formulating the story resolution. The children were rightly proud of their collaborative efforts.

The Tale of Stower Provost 

By Hazel, Beech, Chestnut and Oak 

  It was a hot sunny afternoon; in the distance a fossil was lying on the sand near a cave. Nearby there was a cliff with a plastic water bottle and a sandwich on a blanket balancing on the edge! Beneath it were some seashells floating in a rock pool. Hidden at the bottom was a coin, a bucket with seaweed in it and some pebbles. On the waves of the sea, you could glimpse a lighthouse on an island.  

     ‘’Mum, I’m hungry!’ moaned Matt 

   ‘’ You will have to wait until we go shopping.’ replied mum.  Just then Matt spotted the sandwich, as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog Matt started to run, which turned into a sprint, towards the delicious looking sandwich. Suddenly, with lightning speed, out popped a Gengar stopping Matt in his tracks. Purple fur and sharp pincers were coming out of everywhere. 

“What on Earth is that!” screamed Matt as he slowly crept backwards. “Am I dreaming?” 

 At that point, Matt noticed the sandwich still wobbling on the edge of the cliff. His tummy rumbled loudly which startled the creature. The creature started to back away into its hole. 

“Great!” thought Matt as he whizzed past. However, as he sprinted past the hole, a purple pincer lunged out and pinched his leg. 

Immediately, his leg swelled up like a balloon, but he just managed to get to the sandwich. Suddenly, a whole mob of Gengars appeared, with green, slobbery goo coming out of their mouths like a hideous waterfall – there must have been a hundred of them. Unexpectedly, there was a terrible sound – a sound like an earthquake.  

 To Matt’s shock, small cracks in the cliff started to form into massive cracks because the great weight of the Gengars was too much for it. Then the world turned upside down as the cliff started to fall! Before they knew it, they were all in a sticky, slobbery, green heap at the bottom of the cliff. There were pincers everywhere! 

As Matt twisted on the heap, which was twitching like a salmon on land, one of the Gengar’s dagger-like pincers poked into Matt’s swollen leg. To his horror, then relief, then delight and then finally, confusion, there was a hideous, drawn our raspberry sound like a deflating balloon and he shot up to the top of the cliff, firework-like into his mum’s welcoming arms. 

 As Matt and his mum peered cautiously over the ragged cliff edge, they could see the Gengars tucking into that sandwich. After all that pain and suffering, Matt STILL didn’t have his sandwich. 

 ‘’Mum, I’m hungry!’ moaned Matt. 


Please be vigilant for ticks on your children, as we have received reports that several children have been found with ticks, perhaps picked up from playing on the school field. Should you be unsure of what do if your child has a tick, please seek medical advice from your own family practitioner.

Upcoming events

6th July:      8.40 – 9.40 PTFA tea and coffee under the willow tree – all welcome – (friends, family & community)!

6th July:      9.45-10.10 Chestnut Class Samba Music Concert in the hall. All are welcome!

10th & 11th July: Play performances – see below for times. All welcome again!

14th July:   17.00 – 19.00  Summer Celebration on the field – all welcome (friends, family & community).

Parental volunteers are sort to help for 30 minute stints on various stalls.  Please see Sophie Wareham, one of the PTFA members or contact the school if you are willing to offer your services for 30 minutes.

Swim sessions will be available from 17.00 for children, as long as the weather is fine. Please book your child’s fun swim session through Mrs Pike.

18th July:  14.30  Art Gallery – parents invited to come in and see children’s art and DT work through the classes.

20th July:    14.30 – 15.20  Leavers Assembly in the Hall – all welcome.

In case you missed it!

FareShare – A new community larder has been set up at Gillingham Primary School, running on a Friday 9.15 – 10.30am. For a weekly membership fee you will receive sufficient food to prepare at least 3 meals per person in the household. Weekly membership fees are:

Single person – £2.50

Couple – £3.50

Household – £5.00

The Larder is supplied by FareShare, a not profit organisation established to fight hunger and tackle food waste.  If you would like further information please call 01747 823245.  Please also see further information in the attached documents.

Class News                                                     

Oak Class

This week, Oak Class have been writing a persuasive letter based on a Greek myth. They have also been examining the achievement of some Ancient Greek scientists, philosophers, artists and architects. In maths, pupils have been problem solving using multiplication and beginning to revise division in year five, as well as algebra in year six. The year five children have also started their NFER tests which they have worked hard at. Next week, the children are looking forward to their residential trip to Hooke Court.

Chestnut Class

Chestnut Class have begun their unit on Geometry. The Year 3’s have been identifying different turns and hunting for right angles. The Year 4’s have been learning the names of different angles and the different types of triangles.

In English, the children are currently researching information about an Eastern European country for their non-chronological report next week.

In Science, the children looked at Garrett Thomas who invented an early traffic light and had fun revisiting making circuits.

Next week, the children will be learning about the climates of European countries.

Beech Class

This week, Beech Class have been practising their powers of persuasion. Pupils have been impersonating Max’s mum, (‘Where the Wild Things Are’ book), and trying to persuade him to make good choices. Next week, the children will be embodying the Wild Things and trying to persuade Max to stay and be the king. In maths, Year 1s have been representing numbers to 100 in different ways. Years 2s have been creating their own block diagrams and pictograms. As part of their seaside topic, the class have been exploring what the coastline means and looking at major coastal towns. Next, they will be looking at the RLNI and the vital job that the volunteers do.

Hazel Class

This week Hazel class have looked at the life cycles of animals and talked about human physical changes as we grow i.e. milk teeth falling out and adult teeth replacing them and hair colour change.  The children have also discussed how to care for pets, the role of a vet, and how animals are used to support humans in a variety of situations, including mountain rescue dogs, police dogs, guide dogs for the blind, accessibility dogs and the use of horses in our society.

Next week pupils will be ‘going on safari’ and exploring the different animals found in Africa and their features, along with comparing these to ‘going on safari’ around the school, and comparing findings.

Diary dates for the forthcoming week and beyond


25th June –28th June


  Oak Class residential trip to Hooke Court
5th July


All day Year 6 Moving up day
5th July Morning School internal moving up day (current Reception – Year 5)
6th July


09.00 – 10.50 Moving up day for New Reception children


6th July


08.40 – 09.40 PTFA tea and coffee, under the willow tree!

All welcome.

6th July


09.45 – 10.10 Chestnut Class Samba Music Concert in the hall. All welcome!
10th July


14.00 Play in the Hall – all welcome
11th July


14.00 Play in the Hall – all welcome
11th July


18.00 Play in the Hall – all welcome
Friday 14th July


17.00 – 19.00 Summer Celebration on the school field. All welcome – friends, family & community.

Volunteers needed to ‘man’ stalls for 30 mins stints – please see PTFA member to volunteer.

18th July


14.30 Art Gallery – parents invited to come in and see children’s art and DT work through the classes.
20th July 14.30 Leavers Assembly in the Hall – all welcome
20th July 15.20 End of Term for children
21st July




Best wishes,

Mrs B