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Newsletter 24th January 2025

Newsletter 24th January 2025
January 27, 2025 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

With the spring term definitely underway, we are keen to ensure the children maintain positive behaviours and demeanours in and around the school. I thought it would be useful to remind parents of our three rules in school – ready, respectful, safe, in case you hear this mantra being repeated at home!



A polite request to parents to name all uniform. The lost property boxes are over flowing!

We will be having a purge on encouraging the children to hang their coats and bags on their pegs, and taking responsibility for their belongings. It would be really helpful to have all items in school named, to help us support those who perhaps mislay more of their items than others!

Linked to uniform, I would welcome parental comment linked to adding tracksuit bottoms to the uniform list, for sporting days. This is with a view to asking pupils to come into school changed ready for sporting activities at the beginning of the day, if it is a ‘games’ day, reducing time lost through changing.  Thoughts and comments regarding this matter would be welcomed, either verbally or by email.

Hair and hairbands

Please could I ask parents to ensure their children’s head is tied up before coming into school and if wearing a hair band that these are plain and simple without additional adornment. Thank you for your assistance with this.

Items of educational interest

If your child has an item of specific educational interest linked to their class project or to another class’, then please discuss the item with the appropriate class teacher so arrangements can be made for time to show, share and learn.

Toys, cuddlies and fidget tools

I would like to remind parents that toys and cuddlies should be kept at home. We seem to have an increasing number of additional belongings coming into school and filling up rucksacks and bags!

Should your child need a fidget tool, these will be purchased and ‘issued’ to your child on a needs basis. The school will have one particular fidget tool, so they are easily identifiable.

Gym and Swim

Remember PE and swimming kit is needed every MONDAY for Oak and Chestnut pupils!

Pupils experienced their first gym and swim session for this half of term at Port Regis on Monday afternoon. Transport and the gym experience is supported through the sports premium payment, however swimming is not, therefore a voluntary contribution of £25 is requested to cover the cost of the swimming pool and swimming teachers. If you have not yet made a contribution, yet intend to do so please would you hand your £25 (or contribution) to cover the 6 week block of swimming in the school office.



In Monday’s assembly this week we discussed how people celebrate birthdays in different ways.  We then focused on how Burns Night celebrates the Scottish poet Robert Burns, what is involved and also shared two of Robert Burns’ poems. (Mrs B)

In our Tuesday assembly this week, we thought about our Commonwealth Characters and studied the endeavours of Steven Stingray who symbolises self-care as well as Sam the Sea Otter who is our Self Worth champion. While in our curriculum assembly on Wednesday, we looked at science and examined those key study skills – asking questions, making predictions, setting up tests, observing and measuring, recording data, interpreting and communicating results and finally, of course, evaluating! (Mrs Clasby)

Lego Club

This week’s challenge was to create a gondola. Due to the exceptionally high level of construction, all pupils were awarded a certificate on Monday, (Noah and Ted, Brett and Jasper, and Jacob and Hugo).

Each gondola also had details that provided a story to the build – very impressive. Our Thursday winners were Finley and Cameron, with their gondolier sporting a very snazzy and traditional striped top.


Save the dates:


12th Feb 15.30 – 17.00 Friends Friendship Disco – wear something cheerful!

15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco

16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco

1st March 09.30 – 11.30 Friends Jumble Sale
3rd April 15.30 – 17.00 Friends Friendship Disco – bounce and spring!

15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco

16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco



27th January – Gym and swim at Port Regis for Chestnut and Oak classes.

29th January – Governor learning walks 13.00 – 15.00

30th PPAT visit 9.30 – 12.30

31t January – – Governor learning walks 13.00 – 15.00

4th and 6th February Usborne book fair will be available, in the central corridor, on both parents evenings.

After half term 24th February – Gym and swim at Port Regis for Hazel and Chestnut classes.

18th – 25th March – Scholastic book fair


Please see the attached flyer and below linked to Autism Central coffee mornings at RiversMeet, Gillingham, for those that may be interested.

Please also find attached flyers linked to opportunities for a half term football club and another activity locally.


Oak Class

In English this week, we have been gathering our final information about Chomolunga for our writing next week. We watched a documentary about Hillary and Tenzing’s ascent of the mountain in 1953 and marvelled that it took a team of 400 people for two men to reach the summit! In computing, we changed where a variable was situated within a program and looked at the effect it had on the game when the programme block was moved. In science we have been exploring circuits – the room was full of the noises of excited children and buzzers, motors and fans.  In DT, we have been building bridges using straw triangles for strength. Next week we are looking forward to our independent write. (Mrs Clasby)

Chestnut Class

Chestnut class have had a great, but very busy week.

As mathematicians we are working on multiplications and divisions, using flexible partitioning. Children who know their multiplication timetables are finding this easier to grasp.

In Computing, children have used Logo program to create snippets to draw repeated shapes. Children raised up to the challenge and created squares, rectangles, even hexagons. What an effort!  Some children asked whether they can used IPADs to try the skills at home. Logotacular is an app for iPad.

In Music, we practiced keeping rhythm. We used xylophones to practice D note and copy the modelled pattern.

In RE (Sikhism), we have learnt about what the 5 K represent.

As scientists we made observations and investigated the particle theory for solids, gases and liquids. (Mrs Sanda)

Beech Class

This week in Beech Class, the children have planned and drafted their versions of the story ‘Building Boy’ ready to edit and write up next week. They have worked super hard on them and should be very proud. In Maths this week, the children have been exploring addition and subtraction of 2 two-digit numbers crossing and not crossing tens using counters and tens and ones frames.

During the afternoons, Beech Class have explored Losar and Guthuk soup which is thought to be lucky. The children have also looked at what Harold should say in PSHE. During Geography this week, we looked at understanding and using a compass and reading pictorial keys on a map. (Mrs Whelan)

Hazel Class

This week our learning has involved looking at nocturnal animals, in particular the features owls have to enable them to hunt in the dark, and how echolocation works for bats to be able to fly around. We have looked at being safe indoors and outdoors and who can help us stay safe. And we have investigated shadows and how they are made. In maths, we have investigated capacity using different containers and different things in the container such as water, pompoms and water beads. Next week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year. (Miss Buxton)


Diary Dates

4th Feb 15.30 – 17.30 Parent meetings (which will include support plans if required)
4th Feb 15.30 Usborne book fair in the central corridor
6th Feb 16.30 – 19.00 Parent meetings (which will include support plans if required)
6th Feb 15.30 Usborne book fair in the central corridor
7th Feb All day NSPCC Number Day – further information to follow
12th Feb 08.25 – 15.20 Beech Class trip to Lyme Regis
12th Feb 15.30 – 17.00 Friends Friendship Disco – wear something cheerful!

15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco

16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco

12th Feb 8.25 – 15.20 Beech Class trip to Lyme Regis
13th Feb 15.20 First half of term ends – no after school club
14th Feb All day INSET
24th Feb 08.50 Second half of term starts
25th Feb 10 – 11:30am Autism Central Coffee Morning at RiversMeet, Gillingham
1st March 09.30 – 11.30 Friends Jumble Sale
12th March All day London Trip for Year 6 pupils – times tbc
18th 25th March All week Scholastic book fair
3rd April 15.30 – 17.00 Friends Friendship Disco – bounce and spring!

15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco

16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco

1st April 10 – 11:30am Autism Central Coffee Morning at RiversMeet, Gillingham
4th April 15.20 Second half of term ends – no after school club


As ever, any queries do please ask.

Best wishes,

Mrs B