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Newsletter 24th November 2017

Newsletter 24th November 2017
November 24, 2017 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents

It is that time of year when dates are suddenly creeping up on us.

The PTFA are kindly organising the Christmas Bazaar which is on Friday 8th December, in the school Hall from 3:20pm.

The PTFA will need your support in bringing in donations for the various stalls.

We need:

Jars filled with sweets for the Hoop a jar stall

Bottles of Wine for the Water to Wine stall

Small prizes for the raffle


Any donations will be gratefully received. Please hand them in to the TA on door duty in the morning.

Also, if you are able to help out on the day running a stall, please look out for the timetable that will be displayed outside the front of the school once the PTFA have made final arrangements.

Please come along and support this event if you can.


Book Fair

The Book Fair is arriving in school on Tuesday 28th November and we will have it up until Monday 4th December. During break times and lunchtimes, the children will be able to see the books on offer and make purchases. The children will need to take responsibility of any money that they are given for their purchases.


Stars of the week

Conkers – Ellie-Rae for being a good friend and remembering our Jigsaw rules.

Acorns – Penelope for always having kind words to say to others.

Chestnuts  – Tristan for always being polite.

Oaks –  Joe for always making others feel supportive through kind words and actions.


Use of mobile phones and recording equipment

Following the Dorset County Council guidance, we have recently updated our policy on the use of Mobile phones on school premises. Therefore parents and visitors are not permitted to use personnel recording equipment on their mobile phones/devices to take photographs or videos.

We are aware that parents would like photos as a reminder of achievements and participation of events. Photos of special occasions will be taken and displayed on the school website for you to view.

Reminder of dates


Christmas Tree Service at school Friday 1st December 9am.


Christmas Nativity Wednesday 6th December, 2pm or 6pm

Please hand in your ticket request slips for this.

Christmas Bazaar Friday 8th December from 3:20pm
Local Food Links Christmas meal Wednesday 13th December

Please ensure that you have made your order through Local Food Links.

Christmas Carol Service at Stower Provost Church Wednesday 13th December, 4pm at Stour Provost Church.
Pantomime at Yeovil Thursday 14th December

Please hand in your permission slips, along with the voluntary contribution.

Wear your Christmas jumper

Christmas lunch (organised by the PTFA)


Last day of term

15th December

Please look out for the menu list which will be drawn up by the PTFA and if you can help with providing any of the food, it will be much appreciated.


Many thanks

Miss Gale

Dear Parent/Carer,
Social networking is used everywhere and is a common feature of many people’s lives. However if you want to say
anything about your child’s school or staff on social media there are a few simple guidelines we need to insist you
follow, in order to keep all the children in school safe and to protect you from possible consequences of your online
actions. We already teach the children how to be safe online and you can reinforce this at home by showing your
child(ren) how to communicate responsibly online.
Part of our role as a school is to ensure that no confidential information about a child or family is unintentionally
disclosed by a parent/carer or a member of staff. There have been several high profile cases in the news when people
making offensive comments on social media have been prosecuted.
There are two parts to this brief guidance. The first part is about parent/carer responsibilities. The second is
information about what staff are expected to do if they use social media, or come across information about the school
(children, parents or staff) on social media.
Guidelines for Parents and Carers
• At all times be respectful of others.
• Never include children’s full names (even your own children’s).
• Never post or tag photographs etc without ensuring that you have the right permission.
• If there is something you are concerned about in school please contact the school to sort it out rather than
discussing it on Facebook for example.
• Everyone who adds to online sites is responsible for any comments posted under their name.
• If you are aware that sites are being misused you have a responsibility to report this.
• If an online conversation looks as if it might be derogatory you should not get involved in the discussion and
refer the person to the school.
• You should not accept children as friends on a social networking site.
• If you want to set up a site that refers to your child’s school then please let the school know.
• If you are using social networking sites for school purposes remember that this is a school not personal area
so personal comments should not be posted.
• Also if the site is representing the school then please make sure that the good name of the school is
preserved and not brought into disrepute.
Staff and Volunteer Responsibilities
• No member of staff or volunteer is allowed to discuss any matter to do with pupils, staff or parents/carers
through social media because of safeguarding requirements. This includes tagging photographs etc.
• Some members of staff or volunteers may have social network accounts as a parent or member of a local
community group. They must not respond to any comments about the school they come across.
• Staff and volunteers are obliged to inform the school leadership of any concerns they have about comments
being made by others.
• Staff have a duty to monitor online spaces and report anything of concern to the school leadership.
The school will always request that any inaccurate or offensive postings are removed. If necessary in an extreme case
the school will take legal advice.
Finally,a reminder to parents and Carers regarding children’s use of social media. Sites used by adults have user age
limits set. Facebook & Twitter has an age limit of 13. Therefore no primary age child should have an account on either
of these sites.
Thank you for your understanding and support.