Dear Parents and Carers,
We have enjoyed welcoming a variety of visitors to the school this week. Read on to find out more of what has been going on.
Monday’s assembly focused on National Story Telling week (30th Jan – 6th Feb). The history of storytelling was briefly discussed, then a Native American story shared which told of a mythical bird known as the Thunderbird.
Each class, and specialist groups, enjoyed working with Felix and Ellen from Dorset Rural Music School who visited and led further samba experience sessions. This in the hope that some pupils will be able to join other school groups for a concert at the Larma Tree later in the year.
Lego Club
This week’s challenge was to create a road legal vehicle. Monday winners were Jasper and Brett for building a 3D supercar with ramps so it could do tricks, while our Thursday winners were Lily-Mae and Archie who created a supercar, segway and backdrop.
School Bus Information
I have been in contact with Dorset Council regarding the school bus, as there have been issued this week, including late arrival to all on Tuesday and today the bus did not turn up at all! Dorset Council are following up on these matters.
I thought it would be helpful to share a link which gives information relating to any delay or disruption to the school bus service, which is freely available to parents. The site is updated when information is shared by the bus company and a bus is delayed by 15 minutes or more.
This week, we have exciting news about celebrating wider achievements of our learners. The Governors provided an Oracy Cup to celebrate those who have spoken and listened well. The cup will be presented to one child each week and it will move from class to class. We are also celebrating the good conduct which so many of children demonstrate in and out of class.
There is a cup for EYFS/key stage 1 and key stage 2, which will also be given out weekly. We are very excited to be providing this recognition for our children. (Mrs Clasby)
Number Day 2025
In combination with the NSPCC Number day, we will be celebrating Number Day 2025 on Friday 7th February by dressing up as a number or a mathematical concept. For example this could be as a character linked to a nursery rhyme ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I caught a fish alive’, digit or a play on mathematical word such as circumference = a knight named Sir Cumference! The children will have an opportunity to apply their maths skills to everyday scenarios and explore how amazing Maths is!
Parent Forum
A Parent/Carer Forum will be held on Friday 7th February at 14.30. All parents and carers are welcome to attend, with a view to sharing their positive and constructive comments linked to the school, helping us to continue moving forwards.
I will be asking parents for their comments linked to adding tracksuit bottoms to the uniform list, for ‘sporting days’. This is with the possibility of asking pupils to come into school changed ready for sporting activities at the beginning of the day, if it is a ‘games’ day, reducing time lost through changing. Thoughts and comments regarding this matter would be welcomed. If you are unable to attend the parent forum or would like to pass on your thoughts please pass these on verbally or by email.
A polite reminder to all parents to name children’s uniform. The lost property boxes are over flowing!
We will be continuing to encourage the children to hang their coats and bags on their pegs, and taking responsibility for their belongings. It would be really helpful to have all items in school named, to help us support those who perhaps mislay more of their items than others!
Hair and hairbands
My thanks to parents/carers for ensuring children’s hair is tied up before coming into school and if a hair band is worn that it is plain and simple without additional adornment.
Items of educational interest
If your child has an item of specific educational interest linked to their class project or to another class’, then please discuss the item with the appropriate class teacher so arrangements can be made for time to show, share and learn.
Toys, cuddlies and fidget tools
My thanks again to parents who are ensuring toys and cuddlies are kept for home, rather than coming into school. The number of additional belongings coming into school and filling up rucksacks and bags is reducing, however there are a few still bringing in more than is required!
Should your child need a fidget tool, these will be purchased and ‘issued’ to your child on a needs basis. The school will have one particular fidget tool, so they are easily identifiable.
4th and 6th February Usborne book fair will be available, in the central corridor, on both parents evenings.
7th February – NSPCC Number Day. Dress up as a number or character related to a number.
7th February – Parent/Carer forum 14.30 in the hall, all welcome.
13th February – Praise and Celebrate assembly 09.00.
After half term 24th February – Gym and swim at Port Regis for Hazel and Beech classes.
18th – 25th March – Scholastic book fair
Save the dates:
12th Feb | 15.30 – 17.00 | Friends Friendship Disco – wear something cheerful!
15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco 16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco |
1st March | 09.30 – 11.30 | Friends Jumble Sale |
3rd April | 15.30 – 17.00 | Friends Friendship Disco – bounce and spring!
15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco 16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco |
Please find a flyer attached from Dorset Cricket advertising a disability engagement opportunity on 21st Feb, 10 – 3pm at Lychett Minster School.
Please see the attached flyer and below linked to Autism Central coffee mornings at RiversMeet, Gillingham, for those that may be interested.
Please also find attached flyers linked to opportunities for a half term football club and another activity locally.
Oak Class
This week we have been finalising our details for our report about Everest- the children have enjoyed writing a non-fiction text! In maths, we have been revisiting fractions, and multiplying mixed numbers by integers which involved using a great number of manipulatives! We had a fantastic gym and swim including trampoline, hanging rings and beam work. Science involved predicting the effects of increasing voltage on various components of an electrical circuit. We discovered that increasing the voltage seemed to make lights brighter and buzzers go up in tone. In computing, we have continued with our work on programming and thought about game design. Next week, we are looking forward to using micro bits in science.
(Mrs Clasby)
Chestnut Class
In Chestnut class, the students had an exciting week filled with diverse learning experiences. In French, they practiced asking for a kilogram of vegetables, chanting phrases like “Je voudrais un kilo de … s’il vous plaît.” Meanwhile, Geography lessons took them on a virtual journey across the globe as children researched significant rivers on different continents.
Religious Education opened their minds to the rich tapestry of beliefs around the world, fostering an understanding of how these beliefs can vary.
Science lessons were equally engaging, as the students enhanced their observation skills to explore how matter changes state. We focused on freezing, evaporation, condensation, and melting.
It was a week of discovery and creativity, leaving the students eager for more learning adventures.
(Mrs Sanda)
Beech Class
This week in Beech Class, the children have written up their own versions of ‘The Building Boy’ and have now started their next writing topic all about leaves! In Maths this week, the children have continued exploring addition and subtraction of 2 two-digit numbers crossing and not crossing tens using counters and tens and ones frames before starting to explore multiplication and division next week.
During the afternoons, Beech Class have explored Tibetan Prayer Flags. During Geography this week, we looked at understanding erosion where we did an experiment with sand water and a duplo house! We have also been lucky enough to enjoy a Samba session as well. (Mrs Whelan)
Hazel Class
This week we have been investigating the dark and how we can make dark. We watched Neil Armstrong walking on the moon and we talked about how would this feel and why astronauts wear special suits. We celebrated Chinese New Year with prawn crackers and fortune cookies. (Miss Buxton)
Diary Dates
4th Feb | 15.30 – 17.30 | Parent meetings (which will include support plans if required) |
4th Feb | 15.30 | Usborne book fair in the central corridor |
6th Feb | 16.30 – 19.00 | Parent meetings (which will include support plans if required) |
6th Feb | 15.30 | Usborne book fair in the central corridor |
7th Feb | All day | NSPCC Number Day – further information to follow |
7th Feb | 14.30 | Parent/Carer Forum in the hall |
12th Feb | 08.25 – 15.20 | Beech Class trip to Lyme Regis |
12th Feb | 15.30 – 17.00 | Friends Friendship Disco – wear something cheerful!
15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco 16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco |
12th Feb | 8.25 – 15.20 | Beech Class trip to Lyme Regis |
13th Feb | 09.00 | Praise and Celebrate Assembly |
13th Feb | 15.20 | First half of term ends – no after school club |
14th Feb | All day | INSET |
21st Feb | 10 – 3pm | Dorset Cricket disability opportunity – Lychett Minster School. |
24th Feb | 08.50 | Second half of term starts |
24th Feb | 12.30 – 14.30 | Swim & Gym at Port Regis for Hazel and Beech classes |
25th Feb | 10 – 11:30am | Autism Central Coffee Morning at RiversMeet, Gillingham |
1st March | 09.30 – 11.30 | Friends Jumble Sale |
12th March | All day | London Trip for Year 6 pupils – 11.15 depart and return 01.00 approx |
18th 25th March | All week | Scholastic book fair |
3rd April | 15.30 – 17.00 | Friends Friendship Disco – bounce and spring!
15.30 – 16.15 Hazel and Beech Class disco 16.15 – 17.00 Chestnuts and Oak Class disco |
1st April | 10 – 11:30am | Autism Central Coffee Morning at RiversMeet, Gillingham |
4th April | 15.20 | Second half of term ends – no after school club |
As ever, any queries do please ask.
Best wishes,
Mrs B