April 14th 2016
Dear All,
Welcome back to the Summer Term and a very warm welcome to our new member of staff Mrs Myatt from all of us at Stower Provost School. I hope she has many enjoyable and successful years here at Stower Provost. She will be teaching in Conkers Class on Thursdays and Fridays. I know the children are really excited about her starting and she is raring to go!
It must be summer because the pool cover is off and the pool is undergoing its annual MOT, in readiness for our amazing summer weather to come! Please find attached dates for the Summer Term and also details of the after school clubs taking place this half term. As always Stower Provost School is a hive of activity. Please keep up to date with events and changes either through the newsletter, website or the notice board by the front entrance to the school.
Kind regards
Martin Marshall
Hall of Fame! Certificate Winners
In Our Easter Celebration Assembly the Stars of the week were Jess (Oaks), Ashleigh (Conkers), Poppy (Acorns) and William (Chestnuts). Silver certificates were awarded to Archie Gray, Miranda, Tristan, Evie, Leo, Amelia and Rocco (Conkers) and Jess from Oaks. Our Gold certificate was awarded to Katie (Chestnuts) and Thea and Radha from Oaks Class. Isla Rowley was awarded her Stage Coach certificates and Freddie another Karate award well done! Hambledon were the half term house point winners again. Remember if you have achieved something out of school and would like to bring it in, we will celebrate it! Look on the website for photos.
Put the date in the diary
PTFA Spring Ball – Saturday April 16th – It should be a good evening.
Pencelli Residential Talk – 20th April 3.30 – 4pm KS2 SATs Talk – 20th April 4pm
PTFA Father’s Day sale – Tuesday 14th June Summer BBQ – Friday 15th July.
And Finally…… A reminder
Please can you make sure that any changes to pick up arrangements at the end of the school day or after school clubs are shared with us at school. Either first thing in the morning by letting the TA on the door know or by phoning in. Recently we have had people turning up to school to pick children up and we have been unaware of the arrangements and therefore we cannot let the children go with an unknown adult. So please let us know the arrangements, then home time will run smoothly for everyone.
A plea……
I know over the years prior to my arrival that there have been many a time when you as parents have been asked to give up your time to support the school. You now know what’s coming next……
I need some skilled and unskilled labour to form a working party in order to smarten up some tired areas of the school. I need a painter/decorator, a carpenter, a digger and a person who can operate it and some willing labourers who are happy to get their hands dirty (I’m one of them!). This is the reminder I promised you in the last letter. Please let me know if you can help in anyway. Thank you. We have had two very kind volunteers so far step forward!