Friday 26th April 2019
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you have all had a very happy and relaxing Easter Break. With the extra day, it seemed much longer than usual, and with only three full weeks before the half term holiday, I am sure this half term will fly by.
It promises to be a very busy summer, with the children statutory tests (Year 1 Phonics, Year 2 and Year 6 Sats), the summer play, Alice the Musical, and lots of swimming and other sports, there will be plenty to keep the children occupied. Please remember that no jewellery is permitted in the pool, so children will preferably not wear earrings to school on swimming days or need to be able to remove and replace the earrings themselves.
We have made a start behind the scenes thinking about Alice. If you would like to help in any way, prop, costume or scenery making for example, please let me know. Casting will take place before half term, with the show taking place in the week beginning 8th July.
Dorset Gardens Trust Grant
During last half term, a bid was put together for a grant to help re-develop our garden areas near the outdoor classroom. At the end of yesterday’s assembly, we were delighted to welcome representatives from the Dorset Gardens Trust who presented the school with a cheque for £500 to pay for a range of fruit trees, seeds for a wild flower meadow near the pond and a number of other resources to enhance the outdoor environment. We are very grateful to the trust for considering our application, and thank Mrs Hillam and Mrs Clasby for their efforts in putting the bid together.
Many thanks to the PTFA for all their hard work last term organising a wide range of fun events for the children and the successful working party to tidy up outside. I wonder how many of the Easter Eggs from the school Egg Hunt survived until Easter… This term, the first meeting is at 3:00pm next Wednesday, 1st May when we will be discussing the forthcoming Film Night, the Summer Barbecue and a range of other activities taking place.
Parent Forum
This term’s Parent Forum meeting will be held at 9:00am on Wednesday 22nd May. Everyone is welcome to join us, to hear about our plans for the future and to have your say about your children’s school.
With best wishes
James Stanford