Dear Parents and Carers
There is definitely an air of growing excitement in the school as rehearsals for the Nativity Play and the Carol Service gather pace. All the children are involved in both events, so please make sure you have the dates in your diary. The Nativity, Christmas Counts, is in school on 12th December at 2:30pm and 6:00pm. Each of the performances is due to last no more than 40 minutes.
The Carol Service takes place in Stour Provost Church on Wednesday 18th December straight after school aiming for a 4:00pm start.
At 9:00am next Friday 6th December, of course, we have the Christmas Tree Assembly – do come along to sing some seasonal songs, hear the children’s thoughts on Christmas, and see their lovely decorations.
A message from the PTFA Christmas Bazaar Friday 6th December 2019, 3:30 – 5:00pm.
Please bring in any bottles of wine (for the water to wine stall) at the beginning of next week, and any cakes (for the cake stall and refreshments) next Friday. We are also looking for volunteers to look after a number of stalls during the Bazaar. Please let Mrs Pike know at the office if you are able to help, even if it is only for part of the time.
Bags to School
I have been very impressed by the pre-Christmas wardrobe clear-outs taking place in North Dorset this year! Please keep bringing in your bags of unwanted clothes for the Bags to School collection – all bags to be in school by 9:00am on 12th December, please.
Emergency Closure – A seasonal reminder of our procedures for school closure in the event of bad weather.
As you know, we are usually the last school in the area to close when the snow falls. However, in the event of it not being safe for the school to open, either due to conditions within school or insufficient staff to keep the children safe, we will announce a closure on the school website, via text message, on the Dorset Council website and if possible, on The Breeze local radio. Please do not phone the school to check as we will inevitably be busy preparing for whatever decision has been made.
School Attendance
Congratulations to the whole school for a brilliant attendance score so far this school year. Our overall figure is standing at 98% which puts us in the ‘Excellent’ category, and there are 25 children who could still gain their 100% attendance certificates at the end of this term! Fingers crossed…
Parent Governor Vacancy
We currently have a vacancy for a parent governor to join our Governing Board. If you would be interested, please come and see me, or chat with Claire Heasman, who is a Parent Governor in the school. This is a chance for someone who can spare a couple of hours a month to get to know the school very well and help shape its direction to make it an even better place for all our children. You don’t need any particular skills, just a wish to play a part in ensuring our school goes from strength to strength and gets the recognition it deserves
Parents Meeting
Don’t forget that next Monday, 2nd December at 2:30pm is the next meeting of the Parents and Governors Group – all welcome! Come along and hear about our plans for the future and share your ideas and thoughts about the school.
With best wishes
James Stanford