Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you and your families are keeping well.
As we move into December and change from Lockdown 2 into Tier 2, I am writing to let you know that, generally, our protective measures will be remaining in place. This means staff will continue to wear masks in all communal areas of the school and will wear a visor when working closely with the children in class. We will also wear our masks when bringing the children out at the end of the day.
I do ask that you continue to wear a mask when on school property, including the carpark, as it can sometimes be difficult to avoid children and parents from different groups when they arrive at or leave school.
In the mornings, the drop-off and go arrangement seems to be working well on the whole. If you are letting your children out rather than parking, please keep well over to the left, next to the staff parking area, which will let other cars pass on the right to find a space. Needless to say, this will need everyone to exercise extreme caution while driving in the car park, and for you to keep your children under close supervision at all times.
If you or your children are showing signs of Covid-19, please do not come to school. The latest official guidance can be read at: Coronavirus Guidelines for Parents and Carers ( It really helps for me to know the result of any test as soon as you find out, and if it is negative, your children can return to school as soon as they feel well enough. If your child is suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting, please leave the usual 48 hours before returning to school. If you are not sure whether you should keep your child off school, please don’t hesitate to ask our opinion.
Thank you for your support in our Christmas Card safety measures. Please can all cards or gifts being sent in from home be in school by Monday 7th for us to isolate before distribution the following week.
We have decided to keep to our original plans for Christmas and to record our celebrations and share them with you. The exact format for sharing has yet to be decided, but it may be possible to use Microsoft Stream, which comes as part of the Education package which includes Teams. Further details will follow. Whilst I appreciate this is not the same as seeing your child on stage with lots of others around you, I hope you understand that the health of the whole school community is my primary concern and by limiting the number of visitors who come into the school, we can limit the chance of the virus being spread here.
Our Christmas Tree will be outside the front door this year so everyone can have the benefit of it. As we all sincerely hope it will be for this year only, we would rather not buy outside lights for the occasion. If you have a spare set of outdoor fairy lights we could borrow only until Friday 18th December, we would be very grateful.
Don’t forget to order your children’s Christmas Roast Dinner for the last Wednesday of term, 16th December. On the last day of term, 18th December, the children will be able to wear a Christmas Jumper, and will not need to bring a packed lunch as the whole school will be having the ‘individual buffet-style lunch’ from Local Food Links, supported by the PTFA.
With best wishes
James Stanford