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Newsletter 5th July 2024

Newsletter 5th July 2024
July 8, 2024 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

Preparation are well underway for the summer barbeque scheduled to be held on Friday 12th July 3.30 – 5.30pm on the school field. Attractions include assault course, circus skills, bouncy castle and slide, a variety of stalls, face painting, bar, barbeque, raffle and a chance to throw wet sponges at some unfortunate soul in the stocks!

Raffle tickets will be on sale in the school hall on school play performance days, as well as at the summer barbeque, with winning tickets being drawn at 5pm.

Families are encouraged to bring along a picnic rug and/or chairs and ‘make camp’ on the field. Long sleeved t-shirts are strongly recommended for those intending to enjoy the bouncy slide. While children are enjoying the bouncy castle and slide, I would respectfully asked parents to supervise their child/ren. Children will receive a wrist band which will indicate they have paid to use the bouncy castle and slide. Access to both, once paid for, will be unlimited for the running time of the summer barbeque.

The barbeque will run from 4 – 5pm, with burgers and sausages available at £3 and £2 respectively for each. I look forward to seeing you at the school play where raffle tickets will be available to purchase at £1 per ticket, as well as on Friday. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us all this year!


Happy Hair Day

What fun was had on Monday with the children donning amazing hair styles for the Happy Hair Day, orchestrated by our school council in aid of raising funds for World Vision charity. Thank you to all for their support of this venture. The total £59 was raised for the charity.

Whole school transition morning in school.

I believe everyone’s experience on Wednesday morning for the school transition day was a positive one. It was lovely to have our new Reception cohort in school, as well as hear the stories on Thursday from our Year 6 pupils who had a great day at their secondary schools.

Library sticker and scanning hour

Many thanks to those who turn up to help on Wednesday, between 3.30 – 4.30, to sticker books prior to scanning, enabling us to catalogue our library collection.

Mini Olympics

The Year 1 and 2 children participated in the Gillingham Family Sports event at St. Gregory’ school on Thursday morning. The children were spilt into groups, given a country and then worked their way around completing 10 different activity stations. One station’s task was to create a chant to support their group’s country, with all the chants being performed at the end of the morning. The children were exemplar in their behaviour, sportsmanship and overall enjoyment of the morning, and we are very proud of all the children who took part. As a surprise at the end of the morning, Nico Stone (from Gillingham School) chose his favourite chant and awarded France with green t-shirts, well done Team France!


We tried another Stormbreak assembly this week. It was about Hope and Optimism – which is represented by our character Harriet Hammerhead. We tried using different coloured paper to represent different emotions and then used mindfulness to process those feelings. To make it livelier, we danced around like monkeys between the paper. We felt much better after that, but there was an awful lot of paper on the floor! (Mrs Clasby)

Lego Club

This week the children have been challenged with making a treasure chest. It was a very close competition, with Ted winning on Monday with a treasure chest and pirate minion, while Wednesday’s winner was Mason who built a rainbow-coloured treasure chest.


Due to the school performance on Wednesday 10th July, Wednesday’s Lego Club will be moved to Thursday 11th July. The Lego Clubs for Autumn term will be added to the Kids With Bricks website on Wednesday 10th July at midday, with all parents will be able to book on from this date. The clubs will be on Monday’s and Thursdays from September.



School play performances  – 9th July at 14.00 and 10th July at 16.00

Year 4/5 Gillingham Schools Swimming Gala at Riversmeet 9.00 – 12.00 on 10th July for those selected

Lego Club – Monday as usual and then running on Thursday due to the school play performance on Wednesday.

Summer BBQ  – Bring your own picnic rug and/or chairs, running from 15.30 – 17.30 with the BBQ at 16.30 on 12th July. We look forward to seeing you all there!



Parent Help – Garden

Thank you to all those who have offered help so far with our plans for creating two garden areas – a Japanese and Mediterranean garden, following a theme of gardens from around the world. I will certainly be in contact very soon with those who have offered supplies and helping hands!

School Clubs

Breakfast and After School Club can be booked online at:  (Select Stower Provost Community School in the specific venue box and scroll down to Wraparound Care.


Semley Music Festival -Saturday 6th July, Noon – 11.30pm. Please see the attached flyers for further information.

 Prime FC and Prime Phoenix sporting opportunities. Please see the attached flyers for further information.

Class news


This week

This week, we have started our persuasive letter to a professional footballer. We are worried that forced child labour is being used to produce expensive football kits for players. According to our data, there are The International Labour Organisation (2017) reports that around 4.3 million children aged below 18 years are in forced labour. Not only that, horrifyingly, these youngsters must work an entire month to earn what a professional footballer earns in one hundred seconds! We are trying to convince our chosen footballer to use clothes from Child Labour Free Zones. In history we have been looking at the social hierarchy of Athens and noting that, from the bottom, it was slaves, metics (non-citizen free persons), women, and then citizens. To be a citizen, one had to be male. Aristos and oligarchs were at the top. We then discussed whether we had a social hierarchy in our country too…

Next week, we are looking forward to performing our play. (Mrs Clasby)


This week

In English, we started a new inspirational book for our myth writing. It is covering Greek mythology and is called Theseus and the Minotaur. Children worked on their descriptive language and collection of new words using thesauruses to find great synonyms.

In History, we continued to learn about the romans. This week we focused on Boudica’s challenge and her tragic end. Scratch continues to be a great platform for the children to program their ideas. This week there have been lots of greater depth projects. I was surely impressed not only with the fact that children are keeping up with the learning, but that they are extending this.

TT rockstars has been used in class this week to get the children used to the platform. Some children are really up to the challenge and are working hard to show their progress. I look forward to seeing how they use their  in-game rewards to create impressive characters. (Mrs Sanda)


This week

This week, Beech class have been extremely busy! In Maths, the children have been continuing to recap previous learning and developing different strategies to support their understanding. In English, the children have been looking at different documentaries and books about ‘Big Cats’ to support their own reports.

Throughout this week, the children have enjoyed swimming sessions and have also shown amazing resilience at Mini Olympics, they represented the school extremely well and I was so proud of their effort and behaviour! (Mrs Whelan)


This week

We have had a busy week in Hazel Class this week with swimming, mini Olympics, transition day and all our learning. Swimming is going exceptionally well with all children making good progress in their confidence and swimming abilities. We combined History and UtW this week and the children experienced a Victorian handwriting lesson, although the experience was fun, many children did not like having to write with a dip ink pen, on slate or learning to write Copperplate. Year 1 have furthered their learning in ScratchJr this week by planning out a rocket race which they will be programming next week. FS2 have been consolidating their maths learning this week and looking at number bonds to 10 using their very handy 10 fingers. All the children enjoyed their new class on Wednesday morning and it was a pleasure to see them so confident and grown up. (Miss Buxton)

Diary dates  (dates in red have been added this week)

Date to be confirmed for the School Council’s fundraising event for World Vision –  Happy Hair Day £1 donation


9th July 14.00 School play performance
10th July 9.00 – 12.00 Year 4/5 Gillingham Schools Swimming Gala at Riversmeet
10th July 16.00 School play performance
11th July 3.30 – 4.30 Lego Club running on Thursday due to school play on Wednesday
12th July 14.55 – 15.15 Praise and Celebrate Assembly
12th July 15.30 – 17.30 Summer BBQ
15th July 9.00 – 11.30 Year 6 girls PE transition project at Gillingham School (invitation only)
15th July 14.45 – 15.10 Year 2 Fashion Show
18th July 15.30 – 16.15 Year 6 Leavers swim
19th July 14.30 Leavers Assembly
19th July 15.20 Last day of school before the summer holiday
22nd July 2024   INSET DAY
23rd July 2024   INSET DAY


Best wishes,

Mrs B