All pupils must wear school uniform including proper school shoes (not trainers) and the school PE kit. It is also important that each child has a reading bag.
Specific branded items such as:
- School sweatshirt / cardigan with badge
- White polo shirt with badge
- School blue PE t-shirt with badge
can be purchased from the National School Wear Centre in Yeovil (Wine Street) or may be ordered online. Other uniform items are generic and can be purchased more widely, or do please ask if we have any suitable stock in our second hand uniform supplies. Please contact Mrs Pike regarding second-hand uniform.
Please ensure all items are clearly named.
Boys - Winter Uniform
White badged polo shirt
School sweatshirt
Grey trousers
Grey socks
Black shoes
Boys - Summer Uniform
White badged polo shirt
School sweatshirt
Grey trousers or shorts
Grey socks
Black shoes/sandals
School baseball cap
Girls - Winter Uniform
White badged polo shirt
School sweatshirt or cardigan
Grey skirt or tailored grey trousers
White socks
Grey / navy tights
Black shoes
Girls - Summer Uniform
Blue gingham checked dress
School sweatshirt or cardigan
White badges polo shirt
Grey skirt or tailored grey trousers
White socks
Black shoes/sandals (not open-toed)
School baseball cap

For PE, all pupils will require royal blue shorts, royal blue badged T-shirt, plimsolls or trainers (to be kept in a named drawstring PE bag).
For games, in Key Stage 2 – football boots, trainers, shirt, shorts, socks and shinpads. A dark blue or black tracksuit will also be needed in the colder weather.
For swimming, (all pupils) – one piece swimming costume and towel in a waterproof named bag (arm bands and goggles are optional).
PE kit should be brought to school on Mondays and kept there for the whole week in case games or PE activities are re-arranged.
Wearing of jewellery at school is not permitted for reasons of health and safety. Children may wear a watch and stud earrings only; if your child has stud earrings and they are unable to take them out, please provide a roll of micropore tape as part of their PE kit, so that they can tape their earrings over for PE lessons. Nail varnish and any form of body or excessive hair decoration are not considered appropriate for school. Sweat bands or charity bands are not to be worn.