See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip
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What we’ve been up to
Oak Class Residential – Wednesday update
Here is a small selection of photographs. We will try to share more of the best ones with you in the next few days. We’re home now having had a wonderful time. The children were…
Year 5/6 residential Tuesday update
Another brilliant day with the children all trying new activities and skills. This morning’s events were Challenge Course and Rifle Shooting, and this afternoon we experienced Street Surfing and the High Ropes course. This evening,…
Year 5/6 Residential – Monday Update
A great day in North Devon. The children slept well and all enjoyed a wonderful cooked breakfast. Orienteering and Trapeze this morning, Problem Solving and Climbing this afternoon. A great lunch and supper and a…
Beam House Residential
A wonderful sunny drive to Torrington for the Oak Class Residential – all safe and happy!
Hazel class celebrate Chinese New Year
Hazel class have been immersing themselves in the Chinese New Year of the Tiger. As well as exploring the symbols and traditions of this holiday season, they have learned a Chinese new year song to…
Chestnut class ukulele band
Chestnut Class are really enjoying learning to play the Ukulele. Altogether, they will have 10 lessons with a music teacher from Dorset Music Service. The children enthusiastically take their instruments home after each session so…
When we went down to the woods
We were very lucky to be able to experience an unusual event on a beautiful, blue, January afternoon. Children from years 2-6 walked from school to Duncliffe Wood to be met by the Woodland Trust…
Hazel class go wild for animals
This half term Hazel class are looking at Amazing Animals! The children were challenged to complete the face of their chosen animal. We studied the animal pictures in great detail, looking at their face shapes,…
Victorian Day
We have been studying Victorian schooling as part of our history topic. Ma’am and Miss sternly gave us tasks to do, including: picking oakum, writingng on slate (right-handed), saying and writing our tables by rote,…
Restorative Justice
This term, Oak class has been doing a thematic study of Crime and Punishment from 1066 to the present day. We have been exploring what justice means in the 21st Century, and as part of…
The children have been investigating different surfaces in Science to see which had the greatest and which had the least amount of friction.
Computer Training
We were very lucky to have some specialist teaching from Damian from TurnITON. He expertly explained how computers work, and we wrote our own algorithms. Finally, we turned theory into practice and created and debugged…