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What we’ve been up to
Chestnut Class Sports Day
The children really enjoyed taking part in the running, egg and spoon and relay races as well as the throwing event.
Chestnut Class Seaside Day
The children had a super time preparing a pastry wheel and a fruit kebab which they designed for their picnic. In the afternoon, they enjoyed making sandcastles and took a refreshing dip in the school…
Chestnut Class Mini-Olympics
The children enjoyed taking part in a range of sports activities and worked really well in their teams.
World Book Day
The school managed to celebrate World Book Day in style this year. The children learning in school and at home dressed up or presented a prop in addition to devising crafty clues to help classmates…
Hats off to Chestnut Class
In Design & Technology Chestnut Class have been looking at the work of Coco Chanel and thinking about how clothes and accessories are designed. The focus of this work was designing and making a hat.…
Hazel Class say ‘Ahoy!’
Hazel Class recently welcomed a hoard of hungry pirates. On arrival the pirates were captured and made to walk the plank. The survivors (100% of the invading marauders) were invited to a party with tasty…
Speaker of the week, Mathematician of the Week and Stars of the Week
Oak Class – Painting pictures with words
While it is not possible for friends and family to come into school and see the children’s work, displays are still going up to cheer the corridors and celebrate the wonderful work being done in…
Oak Class – We Will Remember
Oak Class have been reflecting on the meaning of Remembrance Day – the sacrifice of those who died and the loss to those who loved them. As well as producing beautiful artwork, the children were…
Chestnut Class investigate melting points
Years 3 and 4 are investigating the properties of solids, liquids and gases. This week we have been looking at melting points of different materials and understanding that the strength of the molecular bond dictates…
Oak autumn curriculum 2020
Oak autumn 2020 Oak Class autumn 2020
Swimming pool wildlife gravel garden
Here are some photos of the work in progress. The bees are loving it!