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What we’ve been up to
Clay work in Oak
Making clay sea creatures
An assortment of work from Chestnut Class
Well done to Chestnut Class for all the hard work and effort you have put into your learning this half term. Below is a huge variety of activities the children have been up to. Many…
Chestnut Class week 3
Chestnut Class have completed a range of activities this week from creating cardboard stamps, hunting for invertebrates, designing an Anglo-Saxon village and finishing their week joining in with VE Day celebrations.
All about mountains…
Mount Everest Pt1 (1)Mount Everest Pt2mount everest (1) mountain explanation text
Kington Magna model village
Diaries of Hillary and Norgay from Everest. Oak class
Friday May 29th 1953Friday-May-29th-1953 Diary
Home Schooling Summer Week 2
This week we have been to Australia, written about monsters, had fun with phonics, made parachutes, mazes and shields as well as, learning to make equal groups and repeating patterns. However the Rainbow made is…
Chestnut Class Summer Week 2
Even though some children have found it hard this week, Chestnut class have done some brilliant work. From designing their own illuminated letters to writing some superb stories. These 3D shapes were certainly tricky to…
Welcome to Chestnut Class
Over the past few weeks, we have had a few more children join Stower Provost School. Therefore, Chestnut Class may see some photos of new, friendly faces appearing on the school website. I am sure…
Oak class enjoying their work.
Home Schooling 21st April
This week we have been writing Lego stories and looking at the story of George and the dragon and celebrating St George’s Day. In Maths, we have been looking at Repeating Patterns and Counting in…