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What we’ve been up to
Oak summer activities
Binder1-SML (1) Click here to see: Cams in action!
Summer Term begins
Welcome back and to the start of the Summer Term. It has been lovely to see what the children have been up to in Chestnut Class this week. Keep up with all the good work!…
Vikings and Alfred the ‘Great’?
Persuasive writing
Chestnut class had various tasks set this week based on persuasive writing. I have been impressed by the ones I have read so far.
Hazel Class Home learning Week 2
Building, painting, cooking, walking, marching and nursing all part of learning at home. Well done all of you!
Oak Class stay busy with Vikings and vegetables…
Chestnut Class Learning at home
It has been lovely to hear about the learning Chestnut Class have been doing at home. It is also super to see other valuable skills being practised whilst the children are at home. This week,…
Hazel Class Home learning Week 1
Oak Class still hard at work…
Oak class cam – video (Year 5/6)
Friendship story
Chestnut class have been reading Charlotte’s Web and were set the task of writing their own friendship story. Here are a few examples.
Chestnut class were set the task of finding out where the ingredients of a meal came from. It is great to see a Chestnut practising their cooking skills to make the delicious meal.
Chestnut class were asked to recap their learning about the names of different bones. Taking the opportunity to enjoy the sunshine, a skeleton was drawn and labelled. Well done to this Chestnut class member!